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  1. UID : 2114332 SatashiaNakamota VIP LVL 49 happy birthday BCD Contest, I hope I will be in the top 5 of the best projects. I therefore share with you 2 512x512 PN.G photos including 1 logo and a diversified image, knowing that I applied more than 25 layers, several effects and color replacement and text modification. I made his editing on Photoshop and After effect in 5 hours. know that if I win a prize I could modify change arrange the logo the colors the images ect and send you the different files modified personally. to conclude another happy birthday to BCD and I wish you good luck and I really hope to win the prize because I consider my work to be the most sought after. good day and good weekend to all the bc games community
  2. UID : 2114332 done verif phoneUID : 2114332 done verif phone UID : 2114332 https://bc.game/game/plinko#/user/profile/2114332 vérification phone done
  3. https://bc.game/#/sd/10WQV2AUULWGSZ M'y id is 2114332 https://bc.game/fr/game/plinko#/user/profile/2114332 https://bc.game/#/sd/10WQV2AUULWGSZ M'y id 2114332 https://bc.game/fr/game/plinko#/user/profile/2114332
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